3 Ways to Design Sustainably


The time is now. Well, it should have been decades ago but we as a global community didn’t put much thought into the health of our planet, so we have to now. As designers, we play a major role in this and want to offer up a few ways for you to think differently about the experience of your space.

1)     It’s about the materials:

It may be cliché, but you can and should think outside the box when it comes to the materials you use for a certain space. Work with materials that are created naturally and that are both durable and recyclable or find ways to use materials like wood in a lasting way.

Take our SRFC (pronounced sur-face) for example. It’s made with Post-consumer recycled cardboard that’s extremely durable and biodegradable. It can be designed to fit your space and branding in a way that benefits the environment around us and engages your customers or employees.


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2)     It’s about the process:

To have a sustainable impact, it needs to be what you design for from start to finish. It can’t be something that you try and fit in at the end and hope it works. Are you designing an event or activation that will be replicated more than once? Take that into account from the start.

We’ve designed experiences for events and knowing that they’ll happen each month or every year, we were able to design pieces that not only could be reused but could be customized from event to event using the same materials and segments.  

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3)     It’s about the space:

Every space is different, has its own functions and characteristics. Whether you’re designing a restaurant space or a bank space there are ways to incorporate your branding in thoughtful, sustainable and impactful ways.

As clients come to us to bring their designs to life, we look for creative ways to produce it. We’ve been able to create sustainable options for our clients at Secret Penguin and Alley Poyner Machietto Architecture as they worked on this bank project. The materials came to us and we produced the final pieces to last without adding any material to it.

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Free Consultation

We want to give you a free half-hour consultation to help you better understand the impact thoughtful and sustainable design can have on our spaces and the environment around us.

Let us know where we can reach you below and we’ll be in touch!

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